Tips for Moving After a Break-Up

break-up harborside village

Moving in together is a big step in any relationship, but moving out can feel even more significant after a break-up

Moving in together is a big step in any relationship, but moving out can feel even more significant after a break-up. Here are some tips to make the transition easier.

Separate The Stuff From The Before Times

Depending on how long you were together, you may not know what was yours before you and your partner were together. Try to separate your stuff from theirs as best you can. 

Anything You Got Together Should Be Discussed

If you made any big purchases together like furniture or appliances, you have a few options. You can sell the item and split the money, or one of you takes it and pays the other half of what it is worth. For instance, you both bought a couch for $600. Instead of selling it and splitting the money, one of you can pay the other $300 for it. Of course, if any property is damaged, then you should not be paying full price. 

Amicable Benefits

If your break-up was amicable and you are able to discuss what to do about pets or property, then do that. If the break-up is hostile, consider cutting your losses and replacing what you lost. Sometimes the bad memories are not worth holding onto something you paid for. 

Plants and Pets

For any living creature, things get more painful. Generally, whoever takes care of the plants or animals should get to keep them. If the break-up was amicable, consider visitation or partial custody. Especially with animals, they should be in the home that takes care of them better.

Amenities and Memberships

As a couple, if you bought gym memberships or any amenities together, consider creating a schedule where you don’t have to run into each other until the membership runs out. 

Cell Phones

If only one of you pays for the cell phone bill and things end on good terms, maybe leave your ex-partner on the plan until they get back on their feet. However, hostile break-ups can become dangerous and should not be taken lightly. Change your phone number and make sure they do not get ahold of your new address or phone number. Let Harborside Village be your new home!

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